List of Songs That Everyone Must Hear Before They DIe

Eye of the Tiger
Final Countdown
actually, every popular Michael Jackson Song
That one song that goes like, "the hip, the hop, the hippy to the hoppy to the....."
the name of which i have been recently told and it is "rappers delight"
Don't stop believin'
The Mortal Combat theme song
My name is will (by me and Blaze)
The In-n-out Theme song
Maniac, you know, "shes a maniac, Maaaaniac on the floor"
Bohemian Rhapsody
Stairway to Heaven
Viva La Vida
and forever by Chris Brown because that song is equivalent to love
even though it's not really my style
actually none of these songs are
accept the B-hem R-hap
if you think of anymore, tell me

1 comment:

Seth said...

How is Viva La Vida not on there.
That's not even a question.
That's a fusion of statement and question.