
mmmmmmmmmmmkay so today...
in escuala.....
which is spanish for schoo'...
which is ebonics for school
actually let me tell you some backround info
so me and my friends are sittin, you know being cool
and all of the sudden i see this freshman who looks like he is like six years old sitting by himself
so im all lik, "hey come sit with us, we like to party"
so he came and sat with us and has been rediculously annoying ever since
we call him toaster because we would all like to hit him upside the head with a toaster
but not like you think
i mean swing it by the cord and just hit his face really hard with a toaster
and as ya'll know (I think) i am in need of a crappy guitar for guitar class
so i was all lik, "hey toaster can i buy your guitar
and he was like, "how much"
and i said, " uhh" i looked in my wallet, "Fourty"
"or how about fourty"
"fourty five"
"toaster, fourty"
so he gives it to me and he, suprised that i actually have so much money, takes the fourty dolla billz
and he waves around class like its a million dollars and shows like, everyone
and finally i'm like, "toaster, stop"
and he doesn't so i proceed to pick him up and put him in his chair
and he gets back up again
so i take his shoes (he is not wearing them) and hide them and say,"alright toaster find your shoes
so he takes the entire rest of the class to find them
problem solved


Heather Leith said...

i just laughed out loud.

Jaymie Shearer said...

david, thats hilarious!