
so good
no idioteque=no good
opening band=no good
crazy drunk and annoying people=no good
crappy seats=no good
taking an hour to get out of the parking lot=no good
price of manditory t-shirt=no good
overall experience=so good
thats how good they were
but they forgot to play idioteque
they probably got off stage and were like, "oh crap, you know what, we forgot to play idioteque"
i dont know what else to say
i've lost my passion for blogging
maybe ill get it back



mmmmmmmmmmmkay so today...
in escuala.....
which is spanish for schoo'...
which is ebonics for school
actually let me tell you some backround info
so me and my friends are sittin, you know being cool
and all of the sudden i see this freshman who looks like he is like six years old sitting by himself
so im all lik, "hey come sit with us, we like to party"
so he came and sat with us and has been rediculously annoying ever since
we call him toaster because we would all like to hit him upside the head with a toaster
but not like you think
i mean swing it by the cord and just hit his face really hard with a toaster
and as ya'll know (I think) i am in need of a crappy guitar for guitar class
so i was all lik, "hey toaster can i buy your guitar
and he was like, "how much"
and i said, " uhh" i looked in my wallet, "Fourty"
"or how about fourty"
"fourty five"
"toaster, fourty"
so he gives it to me and he, suprised that i actually have so much money, takes the fourty dolla billz
and he waves around class like its a million dollars and shows like, everyone
and finally i'm like, "toaster, stop"
and he doesn't so i proceed to pick him up and put him in his chair
and he gets back up again
so i take his shoes (he is not wearing them) and hide them and say,"alright toaster find your shoes
so he takes the entire rest of the class to find them
problem solved


Pinche Estuff

Im trying to play a crazy piano song
i have figured it all out, but i can't play it
im working on the easy parts


thrizzle dizzle

Ok finaly achieved..
was our goal..
this day...
that was wierdly worded
let me start over
we finaly achieved our goal today
some guys started walking down the hall and before we even did anything they turned around
and this one kid as he was about to walk through said, "you guys had better not touch my butt"
so i gave him a nice hard slap
this other kid covered his butt with his backpack
my amigo Nick slapped this guys butt so hard that we were all suprised he was still standing
but the kid was chill about it so..
oh and this one girl tried to, you know, tell us off
and when she was yelling we formed the tunnel and went over her while she was standing still
she was mad pissed
I love never getting embarrassed
the thing about doing things like that is its a gamble
like if you don't go far enough, you just come off retarded (exe. saying hi to a stranger in a fashion that you might think is funny, but isn't)
or if you take it too far, you are wierd (exe.... uhh i dont know.. i guess like going up to a stranger and like rubbing crotch really sensually)
so the key is to aim for the happy medium (exe. woo tunnel)
or the waaaaaaaaay, and i mean way too far (exe. most of the things on jackass)
those two are where the funny is
this is extremely long
but im quite proud of my funniness lecture


woo tunnel day two

alright so today was a little different
i upped the butt slap factor to virtually every male that went through
we were also told to be quiet by a nearby teacher
one kid tried to act all tough by pushing us as he walked through
but as soon as he pushed me i pushed him back about 13 times as hard into a fence
then he walked away and was like, "whatever, you guys are faggots"
and we all laughed at his pain
this one huge black guy walked through and i spanked him pretty hard and he looked back with the most confused face i have ever seen
we strive to get to a point where people are like, "hell no im not going through that hallway, lets walk around"
aw good times
work training today was funny
we watched this cheesy video that had a little song before every new chapter
and me and Jackie just rocked out to the little songs
so good


Woo tunnel

so me and my friends do this new thing where we stand in a hallway at lunch and when people pass by we do that thing in all the little league soccer games where we create a tunnel by lifting our hands at a 45 degree angle while standing facing eachother
you know what i mean
we do that and force freshmen (and everybody else) to walk through
aand when most of the boys walked through, i would give them a congradulatory slap on the butt
haha this one kid tried to hit me with his lunchbox
it was so funny
best part of school right there


4 to the double 3

so im just driving along mindin my own
when all the sudden i see a gas station and the gas was pinche $4.33!!!!!
and i was like, "on the real"
but i was driving my moms car so i didnt get any gas
school sucks
two times (Pineapple Express :smiley face))
i figured out the chords to forever by chris brown on piano
and im so happy
i need a crappy guitar to bring to guitar class
all i have is a good one that belongs to todd
and an electric that is too nice to bring
im going to hit up the swap meet
i got money in the bank
my moms stereo is tottally boss
i get hifi up in there
i enjoy busting gangsta rap ridiculously loud
i found out my other secret talent
blues piano
im pretty dang good at it
oh and you know how they say a sneeze travells 100mph
bull ogna
im pretty sure someone could get hurt by that


I'm Sorry Ms. Jackson

I found out that Andre 3000 is in Outkast
big news
go team...
go team go

school analysis

utterly ghey
oh well
i'll get by with a little help from my friends
i dont plan on getting high with them
my truck is coming back soon
im mad excited
when i went back to school i realized how many friggin people i know
its crazy
i know like the whole senior class
i dont really curr
school makes me 38% more depressed as a person



i think it's my gift
i can hip hop dance like a guy who is white but hangs out with all the black guys
so get up out my house


it starts tommorrow
i plan on just crying the whole day
i'm thinking about posting the lyrics to my last song
peeps have been asking about it
im going to wear crappy clothes tommorrow
usually people wear good stuff, but i will be the one who will be like
"is that really your best outfit?"
actualy probably not that sounds a tad bit homosexual
maybe if i snapped after i thought it
i dont have any new clothes or supplies and school starts in approximately 11.5 hours
and eight of them are already devoted to sleep
my poor truck needs a new clutch
and brakes
there are certain times in life where knowing a lot about cars comes in handy
i'm glad i know things
like when my brakes gave out on a fat hill
it was exciting
i was like, "woah doggy"
and i was listening to the most hifi rap song
but im all good
on the real
im outie 5000, chow


Hat da crap

What year is it?
i seriously dont remember!!


is difficult with my piano
gotta buy an expensive cord
i am about to get mad rich
i'm going to continue my job taking care of children after school and making like fifty lightyears an hour
i know right
that converts to twenty love units
all in one hour
and i work like three hours a day
every week day afternoon
but not really

Snowboarding season

i can taste it
three more months
i plan on going like every day
ill drop out of school
thats how you achieve success


List of Songs That Everyone Must Hear Before They DIe

Eye of the Tiger
Final Countdown
actually, every popular Michael Jackson Song
That one song that goes like, "the hip, the hop, the hippy to the hoppy to the....."
the name of which i have been recently told and it is "rappers delight"
Don't stop believin'
The Mortal Combat theme song
My name is will (by me and Blaze)
The In-n-out Theme song
Maniac, you know, "shes a maniac, Maaaaniac on the floor"
Bohemian Rhapsody
Stairway to Heaven
Viva La Vida
and forever by Chris Brown because that song is equivalent to love
even though it's not really my style
actually none of these songs are
accept the B-hem R-hap
if you think of anymore, tell me

Pump Up the Jam

ok so i saw that song on my sister's laptop
and i'm all like, well you can't not listen to that song, right
so i listen to it for like three minutes
and it's like the same thing throughout the entire song
and i look at the time and there is still two minutes left!
and i thought, are they really going for another two minutes of this
and they did
it is still the best song in the world
oh man speaking of this
Viva La Vida!!!
so good!
i mean don't get me wrong, i'm not late it's just i haven't talked about it yet
you know what's funny, i bought that cd and left it in my car at church
and some guy decided it would be fun to steal my guitar, ipod and..
Viva La Vida!
robbery fail



for all them typos
i was too lazy to fix them


i couldnt think of a title
this one goes out to all my one readers
and that readers name is me,comma, David...
that's how its done
so, David,
i'm basically everything that is the best
no but on the real
(im not sure if i made that saying up or not)
i'm currently writing a song and it's all like pop music and what not, and then it turns into not that
actually it turns into the same song with different, more realistic instruments
and by realistic i mean real
boom, like that
my normal blog style is freestyle audio bloggness
haha bloggness monster
man i am tired and writing very peculiar tid bits of information
if someone didnt know me and saw this, they'd be like
Shoot, girl!!
luckily i know myself pretty dnag well
if you know what i mean
ok that was just wierd and uncomfortable and not fun for anyone
i'm sorry... me
i'm a good dancer
and i finaly (finally?) have my piano up in my room
so im mad excited