Story Time, mother Fr*****s!

ok where to begin
ill try begining at the begining
im a horible speller
me and my amigos were bored and decided to have a mad cool adventure
so we decided to explore a sewer tunnel dealy
dont worry, it wasnt filled with poop or nothin'
there was just water
in which i chose not to step
so were walkin down the tunnel for like a mile and we come to an end
(imagery time)
and it ended in a body of water, but we couldn't see what kind of body of water because there was a wall in front of the part of the water that was under the end of the tunnel that we were in.
uh ill try again
were in a tunnel
tunnel has ended
water flows from the tunnel into a body of water
5 by 12 square foot body of water
the wall opposite us could be swam under
so naturally, we jumped in and swam under to see what was on the other side
and it was in a familiar place
so we walked back to my truck...
in our boxers...
on a public street
good stuff
im extremely spontaneous
i think i spelled that right because theres no red squiggly line beneath it